Inshore Surveys and Inspections
Municipal water supplies and hydro electric dams are key target users of ROVs which are ideal for the detailed inspection of inshore water reservoirs and tanks and lakes and rivers. Work can also extend to surveys of bridge foundations, piers, pylons, and support structures in ports.
ROV Innovations has a range of ROV models ideally suited to such work on lakes and rivers where small, rugged and versatile equipment is needed. |
Inshore use of ROVs often reduces the need for divers to do visual inspections or in many cases ROVs make it easier for them to pinpoint work that needs to be done. When coupled with sonar, which allows precise navigation in murky waters and sharper profile images, our ROVs can perform a number of tasks to ensure the safety, purity and security of water supplies. This can also extend to pipelines, often up to 10 feet in diameter, where ROVs, sometimes using extended tethers can perform inspection work easily and with clarity at pressure depths that are hazardous for divers.
Our ROVs have proven invaluable in a wide variety of inshore uses, such as detecting pipeline defects, foreign objects in the system, pipeline collapses, and sediment build up, which could contaminate water supplies. The use of ROVs can increase safety and inspection quality, cut plant downtime, and also reduce costs.
Our ROVs have proven invaluable in a wide variety of inshore uses, such as detecting pipeline defects, foreign objects in the system, pipeline collapses, and sediment build up, which could contaminate water supplies. The use of ROVs can increase safety and inspection quality, cut plant downtime, and also reduce costs.
This video is an abridged freshwater dam inspection carried out in central Queensland, Australia. The original video was shot with a High Definition Seamor ROV in 1080p25 format. Being in a freshwater dam, the water was extremely turbid with visibility only approx 20cm. The Secuquest Vision Clear Enhancement hardware was used to increase underwater visibility, and restore natural colouration to the underwater assets.